Setting up solar powered homes is one of the rising trends in home technology. There are many reasons for this trend’s popularity, primarily involving sustainability and cost efficiency. Then there’s also the matter of the cost of producing and using traditional energy sources in the long run.
Fossil fuel, for instance, is a traditional energy source that is costly to locate, produce, and distribute. It’s also a non-renewable resource, which means that people will have to stop depending on it at some point. What’s more, it also adds to pollution when it’s burned for energy. Because of these reasons, solar power is considered to be a better and more environment-friendly alternative.
The Birth of Solar Power
Like other renewable sources of energy, solar power involves the conversion of energy into electricity. Starting from its roots in 1876 when William Grylls Adams discovered the production of electricity through the exposure of selenium to sunlight, the technology used to convert energy has become more advanced over the years. This has led to the development of photovoltaic cells. These cells are essential in the operation of solar panels.
Solar power works by exposing the photovoltaic cells stored within the panel to sunlight. These silicon photovoltaic cells are made up of two thin layers: the phosphorus-doped (N-Type) silicon at the top and the thicker boron-doped (P-Type) silicon at the bottom. When these two layers are near each other, an electric field is produced.
Once sunlight hits the surface of the panel, this junction will create momentum and direction to electrons. This results in a flow of current once a connection between the solar cell and an electrical load is established. Due to this configuration, a solar panel with a much wider surface area will accumulate much more energy than smaller the ones.
This efficient process opens countless possibilities due to the advantageous effects it can provide in comparison to traditional sources. Most notable of these advantages is the fact that solar energy is renewable. As long as the presence of sunlight is apparent, solar energy will remain available. In addition, solar energy is abundant and does not cause pollution in comparison to coal and other traditional sources of energy. This combination entails a sustainable source of energy, just enough for a solar powered home.
There are a handful of factors to be considered when building a solar powered home. One major factor is the orientation of the solar panels. The efficiency of the cells is dependent on the angle on which it receives sunlight. This could be resolved by installing adjustable photovoltaic panels to accommodate for the location of the sun in the sky from sunrise to sunset. All in all, this results in an efficient process of gathering energy for private use.
In the long run, solar powered homes can reduce costs and help the environment recover at the same time. These homes provide an avenue for innovation, all while promising a bright future for human beings.
Visit this site if you would like to learn more about alternative energy sources.